Why now is the time? The pricing of LED lighting has come down tremendously. You are saving money instantly. Now, who don't want to save? Yes, the cost is way more than the standard bulb, initially. But the payback is at least 2-3 years.
So, look at it like this, you and your neighbor just replaced your bulbs at the same time 3- years ago, they used the standard incandescent bulb and you used our LED bulb. Now the average home use up to 4 hours of lighting in the main rooms after school and work. The rooms are, the living room, kitchen, 1 or 2 of the kids bedrooms, and bathrooms(s). Of course, some rooms are left on all night. So let's look at the math:
Your home:
$3 a LED bulb (bulb life 15,000 hours)
1,460 hours of usage year one. Note: This bulb is still burning
$1.32 energy cost year-1 (9w at $.10 a kWh)
$4.32 total cost spent
Neighbor home:
.75 a Inc. bulb (life 1000 hours)
$8.76 energy cost year-1 (60w at $.10 a kWh)
$10.26+ total cost spent
This is basic arithmetic. Keep in mind, the cost of power usage is more than 10 cents. But, you get the point. You're simply paying more with the standard bulb. And the additional plus, is that, the LED bulb is eco-friendly. So, it's a win-win all around. Now, re-adjust your budgets and go out and retrofit your homes and businesses.
Contact us through email for your Energy Audit. Thank you.
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